So yet again I've fallen into the trap of not posting as often as I should. Or even posting in any sort of regular manner. Oopsie daisy!
A few weekends ago, a friend was in from the States for several days and mentioned that she'd never gotten to visit Sainte Chapelle when she lived in Paris. I told her that I'd been hoping go that weekend, so we (and another friend!) decided to go first thing on (a cold and wet) Saturday morning.
Sainte Chapelle is carefully tucked into Île de la Cité, nestled near the Conciergerie and the Palais de Justice. I never really knew of its existence until I knew I was moving to Paris and someone said that I absolutely needed to go.
Notre Dame steals the limelight for French Gothic Cathedrals, but in my opinion, Sainte Chapelle is the real star.
Unfortunately, it isn't the easiest building to photograph due to its proximity to the Palais. It is also currently under construction for the restoration of seven of its stained glass windows, which doesn't make anything easier. So, no pictures of the outside.
Inside there are two chapels, one built on top of the other.
Sainte Chapelle - Lower Chapel |
Then, after climbing a narrow and winding staircase, you reach the upper chapel. And it is utterly breathtaking. I could spend hours in here, just soaking in the blues and purples of the illuminated Bible stories.
Sainte Chapelle - Upper Chapel - Main Altar |
My only regret about visiting was that I didn't have binoculars. I know it sounds silly and touristy, but 90% of the stained glass is beyond the normal neck-craning range. (Thank goodness for a camera with 18x zoom.) Of course, my favorite window was the story of Esther, but that's not much of a surprise.
Sainte Chapelle - Window Depicting the Story of Esther |
Officially, Sainte Chapelle is my favorite "landmark" in Paris. It is stunningly beautiful and I can't even imagine how much time and effort went into the planning, design, and installation of the windows. Modern buildings can be beautiful (but not Tour Montparnasse...seriously, it's a huge pimple on the face of Paris), but Gothic architecture will never cease to amaze me with its intricacy and detail. If you're ever in Paris, make sure Sainte Chapelle makes your "must visit" list!